Pancreatic Cancer Research Paper

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Cancer Paper: Pancreatic Cancer
Presently, the world has seen a dramatic rise in chronic illnesses. Chronic illnesses are diseases that have slow-approaching symptoms, last for a long time, and are generally very life-threatening. Amongst the most notorious and virulent, is a disease known as cancer. There is a misconception that there is only one kind of cancer. The reality, however, is distant from the stated misconception. There are numerous varieties of cancers, and from them is pancreatic cancer, one of the terminal and most virulent diseases known to man. The pancreas is the bodily gland that stands behind the stomach (Movva, Sujana. 2015). In general, pancreatic cancer is when malignant cells, or in other terms, cancerous cells spread …show more content…

These causes can even include combinations of risk factors which is why it can be difficult to pinpoint where and how this disease starts for every individual. However, scientists were able to pinpoint a major factor of why this disease usually tends to occur. Pancreatic cancer is usually a result of damage to the DNA (John Hopkins Medicine. 2015). As they are similar in effects, breast, ovarian cancer are instigated by mutations in the BRCA2. Pancreatic cancer, on the other hand, is caused by mutations in the PRSS1 gene (Familial pancreatitis) (American Cancer Society. 2014). This alteration can also be a result of, family history, or a developed habit, or even, it just happen by chance (John Hopkins Medicine. 2015). As a side note, environmental factors play a major role in the development of cancer, due to the fact that these factors increase the chances of a DNA alteration to occur and, in the worst case, be hazardous and virulent enough to affect the body's genetic makeup, consequently, resulting in pancreatic cancer. These are the key causes of pancreatic cancer, as they can occur to anyone at any given time. Preventable factors play a major role in the development of cancer. An instance of a preventable factor is like being addicted to a harmful behavior or substance. In addition, all an individual can do is to stay as healthy as possible in order to minimize chance of mutations being caused by a cause that could have …show more content…

In pancreatic cancer, there are a total of four stages. Once in its very late stages (3-4), the symptoms begin to affect the individual with the disease. The symptoms include depression, weight loss, a loss of appetite, blood clots, and pain the upper abdominal sector (Staff, Mayo Clinic. 2014). The effects of pancreatic cancer are extremely virulent and, in many cases, causes the demise of the individual. Effects of pancreatic cancer include Jaundice (when the tumor grows and metastasizes, it increasingly gives the bile duct more pressure), Pain (this cancer causes tumors that grows and pressurizes organs and nerves), and Bowel Obstruction (Staff, Mayo Clinic. 2014). Most of the patients who are diagnosed with this disease die of liver failure. This is applicable due to the fact that pancreatic cancer causes an enormous tumor to physically overtake the liver, causing death. Treatments at times can be virtually useless due to the fact that by the time the symptoms arise, the patient begins to die out over time. The scope of the disease is very worrying, as many today die as a result of this cancer. Approximately, 40,560 and there have been nearly 48,960 of new cases of this cancer, lately. A treatment and cure is desired in demand to end the advancement of pancreatic cancer and to halt the

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