Panera Bread Theory

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Organizational theory is a way to see and analyze organizations more accurately and effectively. Concepts that organizational theory apply to how the organization adapt to or control such external elements as competitors, customers, and the government and how government affects business. Organizational theory helps explain paradigm, paradigm shift, and strategy paradigm, patterns for something that changes in time, groups of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought. [Fragments - Intellectual perception or views accepted by an individual or a society as a clear example model or pattern of how things work in the world. Paradigm shift transforms the way humans perceive events, people, environment, and life altogether. It can …show more content…

food paradigm shift of buying local grown in season food. Because of the enormous carbon footprint associated with packaging and transporting goods from faraway lands, consumers are eating food grown in backyards. Many costumers feel the sense of control when comes to choosing the variety of foods consumed, going from fast food to locally grown food. This strategy is a plan for interacting with the competitive environment to achieve organizational goals. A company that is currently embracing this paradigm shift in America food paradigm shift is Panera Bread. Panera is taking away dozens of artificial preservatives, sweeteners, and flavors including some FDA approved additives. Some FDA approved additives also found petroleum wax and perfume in pesticides. In a live interview, Ron Sharoh, Panera Bread Founder and CEO, says, “What we are attempting to do is to give them a comprehensive transparent list that gives them clarity and allows customers to feel confident in their choices of food.” Overall, Panera is really just taking and revealing artificial flavors to …show more content…

Upper management focuses on long term goals. The company’s products and organization follows the company’s products and organization following the company’s mission statement. Upper management includes jobs such as Chief Executive officers (CEO’s), Chief financial operating officer (CFO’s), Chief operating officer (COO’s), chief technology officer CTO’s, and Vice Presidents for marketing. This executive decision making oversees all of Panera Bread’s chains, franchises and corporate locations. Upper management is also known as the “brain of the business.” Middle management interprets plans and sets actions. Middle management jobs include plant and regional managers. Lower level management implements plan and includes jobs such team leaders, assistant mangers, foremen, and shift mangers. Other lower level positions include shift mangers, cashiers, busboys, and inventory workers, who work front line with customers. The company and the different levels of management Panera receives limited liabilities protection meaning the business not the owners are liable for any debts connected to the business. This type of arrangement is beneficial if the company looking to protect personal assets and prepare for future growth and expansion including the