Paradoxical Love-Hate Attitude Towards War

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The thesis of this paper is “The United States military has gone through significant advancements in their use of technology to prepare for war, while using different models, policies, and goals to be involved in different wars that have had an effect on the citizens of the United States to create a love-hate attitude towards war.” The research paper will show the different models, policies and goals that the United States military used to make advancements when going to war. It will go over the growth in technology in the American military and how these growths have led to more success. It will also show why Americans have a "paradoxical love-hate attitude toward war" (Millett, Maslowski, and Feis xiv).

Changing Ways
The United …show more content…

The United States military did not start out as organized as it has become. In the beginning stages, during the Colony and Settlement eras, the military was actually just militias in each colony with no formal training. All able-bodied men were declared as part of the militias. Each militia provided its own weapons. A “dual army” was created during the American Revolution. The army consisted of citizen-soldier reserve with a small professional force. Congress decided to create the Continental Army, even with the mistrust of such a standing army among Americans. The Marines, Army, and Navy were all created during the American Revolution. During the Constitutional Convention it was decided that the United States would not only keep the dual army, but a Navy force would be established, as well. Military officials were appointed at this time as well. After the Civil War, top military officials, Sherman, Upton, Luce, and Mahan saw that the military needed better education and more training. They put plans in place and created training and education for future soldiers. Prior to World War I, General Wood put together summer military training camps for college students. These camps were done to find more soldiers on a volunteer basis. When the United States military declared they were going to join World War I, a “selective service” was created despite opposition from Americans. Drafted men would be called up regardless if they wanted to join the Army or not. During World War I, more extensive training took place. The next war, World War II also had a draft, but it was much more selective than the first. Due to the advancement in air technology during World War II, the Air Force was created as a separate

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