Parallel Structure Of A Modest Proposal

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The essay” A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift was a controversial one during its time. The essay was written in response to the great possible the Irish kingdom had which was poverty. He wrote the essay to address it in his own way. This angered and disgusted the upper class who were being targeted. Swift makes an insightful argument with an abundance of satire, uses a parallel structure and a problem solution model to subtly put his point across Swift uses sarcasm as his main medium to communicate his idea while also utilizing other aspects of satire. For instance, Swift states, “ I can think of no objection that will possibly be raised against this proposal, unless it should be urged, that the number of people will be there by much lessened in the kingdom.”(Pg.5) about his proposal. He says “ I can think of no objection” to show that people have not risen to challenge the system to implement the needed change. He says this in a sarcastic tone however making it seem less sincere. In addition, he states, “I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children.”(Pg.3)as a criticism of the landlords. Swift, here, …show more content…

To illustrate swift states," of taxing our absentees at five shillings a pound."(Pg.5) as a possible alternative to his propoal. This is one of the ideas he wants to b implimented. Swift uses the repetition to show the importance of the topic. He continues his parallel structure by saying," Of utterly rejecting the matterials and instruments that promote forigen luxury."(Pg.5) He uses "of" followes by an "-ing" verb ti show emphasis on the task he wants to be implimented. He also uses this to make the reader feel the way he does about the problem. Ultimately the author is trying to make the essay easier to