Paris Round Up In 1942: Mass Irrest

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Paris Roundup in 1942
The Vel’ d’Hiv Round up was the greatest mass-arrest, carried out on French soil, of Jews. There was more than 13,000 Jews that were Victims from Paris. The Round up was part of Hitler’s Final Solution. Previously on May 14th there was another mass arrest, and on July 16th and 17th they had another major arrest (Laffitte). More than 4,000 children and over 8,160 Jews were looked up in a cycling stadium called the Vel d’Hiv. Everyone living in the stadium was living in very bad conditions. They all got deported to Auschwitz, and none of the children deported there lived. There had been information leaked by many policemen that the Germans were furious. They were hoping to arrest 27,427, but they only arrested 13,152 (Davoust). The Nazis had an Origin of the “Final Solution” Jewish people were to be exterminated. All of these executions were ordered by Adolf Hitler. The “Final Solution” came in stages, some of those stages are, “The Night of Broken Glass,” the anti-Jewish Policy, and another one is Einsatzgruppen which are mobile killing squads (Final Solution). The SS Councilor for Jewish Affairs was announced the night before June 26, 1942, is now Theodor Dannecker. On …show more content…

She was only 8 years old when her, her mother and, little sister who was 6 years old. Before they were taken Madeleine’s mother called her father’s company begging them to help them. They were then taken to the stadium. As Madeleine says “To my sister and I the whole thing just seemed like a game at the time”. After days all the Jews were taken to camps. On the train a Paris women told the family that her husband was a head guard at the amp and she could help them escape. They ended up living with that family in hiding. Madeleine’s Mother ended up dying because of the death of her husband, Madeleine’s father. Years after the round ups Madeline became an amazing artist and sculpture