Passive Resistance: Civil Disobedience

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Passive Resistance is also known as civil disobedience which is an act of a nonviolent protest against the government. What are some thoughts on passive resistance? So many leaders went about this way, one of the leaders is Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi looked up to Martin Luther King Jr. and what he had done for that Civil Rights movement. My opinion on passive resistance is that it is a wonderful thin abut it can still end up being violent do to some people that feel threated.
Passive Resistance is important because it shows you that you do not have to go though the path of violence, to get your point across. I chose to write this because most people choose violence as an answer. In Henry David Thoreau’s essay “Civil Disobedience”, …show more content…

Mahatma Gandhi went among passive resistance to help the people that needed his help. Mahatma Gandhi aimed towards the British salt tax. Mahatma Gandhi created a nonviolent march on March 12, 1930. For every thin g Mahatma Gandhi would do nonviolently he would still end up in jail. That still wouldn’t stop Mahatma Gandhi from what he was doing. Mahatma Gandhi would boycott the British and then others would follow him so that would make the British lose a lot of money. Mahatma Gandhi would even go to the extent of making his own clothing. I feel like this takes so much dedication and time but all ended up to be worth it.
Civil disobedience is also known as passive resistance which is an act of nonviolent protest against the government. Mahatma Gandhi was one of the leaders to us civil disobedience against the government. Mahatma Gandhi looked up to Martin Luther King Jr. and what he had done for that Civil Rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of Mahatma Gandhi role models with the way he handled the civil rights movement. Passive resistance is a wonderful idea but can end up well does end up becoming violent. Are you for passive resistance or against