Patient Engagement Essay

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Patient engagement is becoming more widely acknowledge as an essential element of health care and a vital feature of secure people-centred services. Patients who are actively involved in their care are better equipped to weigh their alternatives. When it comes to patient engagement, we already know that doctor and nurse will take the responsibilities of their patients. Doctors and nurses each bring various perspectives to the engagement process due to their varied skill sets and duties. This essay will examine the differences doctor and nurse in roles, communication with patients, patient education, and maintenance of care.

Doctors such as physician or specialist have more specifically on treatment and diagnosed of patient’s health condition. …show more content…

They spend more time at the patient’s bedside, giving direct care and caring their urgent needs. Nurses constantly engage with patients, forging bonds of trust and developing rapport. They are accountable for keeping an eye on patients and doing the instructions by doctors. Nurses more often to be a sender person between the patient and the doctor. Nurses have a responsibility to convey any information from doctor towards patient. Then, nurses educate patients about their conditions and self-care techniques. Some patients do not have any relatives to gain support their mental health, thus nurses are playing a crucial role towards this type of patient. They give support in aspect mental health, taking medicine and positive encourage. Nurses also need to ensure their patients in understand all the information from doctors to speedy recovery. Nurses will take the risk if the patient’s condition become worst. Lastly, regarding to the maintenance and follow-up about patients. Nurses will be given the instruction from doctor to update the condition about the patients everyday without missing any data. Nurses always monitoring their patients every hour to ensure the patient in stable …show more content…

Informed decisions about a patient’s treatment are made in a shared decision-making process from the collaboration nurses and doctors. They will discuss the best choice for treatments and consider patients’ preferences and hope for the best. In order to help patients emotionally, both nurses and doctors providing comfort and addressing any worries or issues patients. They will try their best to calm the fear and anxiety patients about the diseases. Sometimes, mental health will affect the patient’s condition. Thus, this will be leading to become weakness. Both doctors and nurses will stick together during the explanation of the patient’s condition, treatment, and self-care to ensure all of them can give cooperation for each