The Importance Of Informed Consent In Health Care

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The growth and development of our health care services are improving continuously from day to day. As this condition continues, we as a part of the health care providers should take the patient’s autonomy as an imperative issue so that a good quality of service can be rendered effectively and at the same time falls beyond their expectation level.
Recently, patient’s right is the most popular term that has been mention in most of the health sciences literature and practice which make it become an important part to be prioritized throughout this modern health care practice (Almoajel, 2012).
Therefore, every patient who receives treatment from a health care provider should realize and understand regarding their rights to obtain information that relates with their condition. Sometimes, certain treatment which involves invasive procedures such as surgical interventions, kidney biopsy, and even a blood transfusion procedure needs the patient to sign a consent form in order to show that they are agree and understand with all the consequences that might occur later.
Informed consent is the autonomous authorization obtained after the surgeon explains and describes regarding the nature of the actual problem, any alternative treatments …show more content…

Besides that, the doctor also should provide a balance view between the options available for the patient and explain regarding the importance of having an informed consent in the process of discussion so that the patient can make a meaningful decision. This is important because sometimes the patient may have limited awareness on legal implications of signing or not signing the consent forms, and they may not realize regarding the role of written consent as primarily serving their interests (Zafar et al.,