The Four Main Ethical Theory Of Beauchamp And Childress

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Relevant legal and ethical considerations, focusing on the 4 main ethical principles and how each of these apply to this case using research evidence. Focusing on the ethical theory of Beauchamp and Childress, it is considered one of the most fundamental elements for beginning a discussion in the Not for resuscitation (NFR) debate. (Fornari, 2015). The four main ethical principles, autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice hold the grounding block for issues of this nature. End of life care is an imperative characteristic of acute stroke nursing, as stroke mortality rates remain high, regardless of enhancements in the health care industry. (Cowey, 2012). By focussing on the four main principles, I will discuss autonomy, the right for the individual to make their own decisions regarding their health care treatment, which in this case will also involve a close connection with immediate family …show more content…

(Elliot & Olver, 2008). The principles in acting with the best interest of the other person in mind, showing compassion and taking positive action to help others which relates to the second main principle being beneficence. Likewise, I will discuss non-maleficence, the core of medical oath nursing ethics the principle that “above all do no harm”. Subsequently looking at the overall arch of such principles is the justice which should support fair, equitable and appropriate treatment and or intervention for the individual. A highly stressful time for family regarding decisions that need to be made, while others define the decision as a clinical one, where the doctor will