
Patient Safety-National Healthcare Quality Report

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The other ways on how technology revolutionize in health care is reduce the cost of medication. The revolution of technology in health care can generate better medicines, the effective therapies and complete and high-tech equipment. Technology in health care can also help to avoid hospitalization and indirectly reduce the cost. According to Spoerl (2012, 24 May 2016), in his article “3 Ways Telemedicine Can Help ACOs Coordination Care, Cut Cost” states that telemedicine is technology that able to reduce the cost of information care delivery between patients and doctors and also improve access and quality of information that necessary. Telemedicine has the power that give the same effect as the presenter of healthcare. With the presence …show more content…

Every hospital has their rule and missions. Mostly in their rules, they will put patient safety as priorities. They will make sure patients are comfortable with their hospitals’ environment. In the article “Chapter 3: Patient Safety- National Healthcare Quality Report” (n.a. 2010, 27 May 2016) by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, remarks that The Institute of Medicine (IOM) defines patient safety as “freedom from accidental injury due to medical care or medical errors”. In other words, patient safety is defined as the independence in deterrence from any injuries because of medical care or medical errors. In 1999, IOM published a book To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System, which made a call to nations to make effort to reduce medical error and improve patient …show more content…

Another technology used to increase patient safety is by using clinical decision support system (CDSS). Rouse (2014, 27 May 2016) defined CDSS in her article ‘Clinical Decision Support System’ as “A clinical decision support system (CDSS) is an application that analyzes data to help healthcare providers make clinical decisions. A CDSS is an adaptation of the decision support system commonly used to support business management.” In other words, CDSS assists clinical teams to make decisions by analyzing data. CDSS is also an alteration of decision support system often used to provide for business management. CDSS tools and systems assists clinical teams by doing some task, give warning for possible problems, or helps clinical teams and patient to think through recommendation provided. In article “Clinical Decision Support System” by Martin Pusic & Dr. J. Mark Ansermino (2004, 27 May 2016) stated “While electronic health records and databases help physicians manage this rising tide of information, patient-specific recommendation provided by clinical decision support systems can do even more by improving decision making and helping ensure patient safety.” This means that advices gives by CDSS can enhance decision making and also patient safety are

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