Examples Of Iom's Six Aims Of Improvement In Healthcare

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In the world of healthcare, providing patients with safe, quality care is key, and quality improvement has increasingly become more of a focus for nurses and other health care professionals (This should be two separate sentences Example: Quality improvement has increasingly become. In an effort to regulate and promote quality and safety competency in nursing, six core quality competencies are integrated into nursing curricula, and seven National Patient Safety Goals for the hospital setting are updated and implemented annually. Six Aims of Improvement The Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2001) addresses six components for the improvement of the health care delivery system in the U.S. Each aim is built on the foundation that health care should …show more content…

Each year, the goals are analyzed and if necessary, updated. The 2016 National Patient Safety Goals aim to: 1) Improve the accuracy of patient and resident identification; 2) Improve the effective communication of caregivers; 3) Improve the safety of medication use; 4) Improve the safety of clinical alarm systems; 5) Reduce the risk of health care associated infections; 6) Organize identification of safety risks evident in patient populations; and 7) Set universal protocol for preventing wrong site/procedure/person surgeries (TJC, 2016). These safety goals are mandated so that medical errors are reduced and patients are given the best quality care possible. Some of the steps nurses can take in association with these goals include: using at least two patient identifiers to ensure correct patient treatment and reduce patient misidentification; making timely reports of critical test and diagnostic results; maintaining accurate patient medication information, and labeling all medications and containers removed from original containers; quickly responding to medical equipment alarms, and maintaining their upkeep; following hand hygiene guidelines, and using evidence-based practices to prevent infections due to multi drug-resistant organisms, surgical sites, or indwelling catheters; identifying patients at risk for suicide; and ensuring that sites are correctly marked for surgery through marking the procedure site and undergoing a verification process (Cherry & Jacobs,