Competence In Quality Improvement

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Nurse of the Future: Competence in Quality Improvement
Brittany J. Nembhard
Chamberlain College of Nursing Nurse of the Future: Competence in Quality Improvement
Nursing competencies were derived in order to provide an outline of foundational knowledge baccalaureate prepared nurses should consist of. Amongst the nine competencies, knowledge of quality improvement is essential in the practicing nurse. Quality improvement, also known as total quality improvement or simply abbreviated, QI, can be looked at as an organized value or process to deliver the best possible goods or services to its consumers (Lucy Hood). In other words, QI is a way of enhancing health care delivery by consistently evaluating and changing current practices to …show more content…

Prior to treatment, there were a total of 5.6 estimated actions compared with a reported 8 urges, suggesting that the teens acted on their urges 70% of the time. This compares with the average number of 9.8 urges and 2.2 actions throughout the course of the study, suggesting that the teens acted on their urges only 20% of the time” (Memel, p. 211).
Though findings were inconclusive in regards to the effect on life-threatening behaviors in the adolescents, it was discovered that the training provided on dialectical behavioral training did have favorable outcomes on the length of stay. (Memel, p. 207). Quality improvement is a competency all nurses should possess in order to provide effective care while ensuring the overall safety of the client. The nurse of the future will be able to monitor outcomes and analyze data to modify and improve practices in order to continuously improve healthcare quality deliverance and system safety.
Hood, L. J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8 th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams &