Patron Saints Of Nothing Lgbtq + 2 Quotes

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In the world, over 10% of the global population are part of the LGBTQ+2 community. In the novel The Patron Saints of Nothing, we are exposed to numerous homosexual relationships such as Tita Chato and Tita Ines being in a public lesbian relationship, Grace and Jessa in a private relationship, and Jay’s older brother being in a gay relationship in which we do not learn much about. The Patron Saints of Nothing is an astonishing novel that represents many in the LGBTQ+2 community. Members of the community feel heard as they can relate to the situations of their own relationships. In this essay we will be speaking about how well the novel handles the relationships. Secondly we will discuss what these relationships have taught Jay. Lastly we will discuss …show more content…

THESIS In the Patron Saints of Nothing, we were introduced to three main relationships part of the LGBTQ+2 community. Chris and his boyfriend, Grace and Jessa, and Tita Chato and Tita Ines. Now, as I previously mentioned, people part of the LGBTQ+2 community felt represented in this book and you may be wondering how they feel represented. Let's dig in deeper on how this book does an amazing job on representation. First off, the book has these relationships well thought out. We have an inclusivity of age ranges from teenagers to adults. This can be relatable for the reader as they may fit in with the age range of one of the relationships. Furthermore it is vastly considerate about the situation the relationship is in. Take for example Grace’s relationship with Jessa. They are in a secret relationship with Grace’s family not knowing other than Jay. Grace is obviously living in the constant fear of her father not accepting her as she is attracted to girls and is in a relationship with the same sex. Unfortunately, this is a common reality for many people. They keep their relationship a secret from their families as they will not be accepted for who they are and who they are with. They feel seen