People Should Not Be Held Accountable For Their Actions Essay

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People in life or death situations should not be held accountable for their actions, It could be the state or city’s fault, They don’t need the burden that they will have to pay a bill or may not get help, Yes, the first responders and others helping do need to get paid but it shouldn’t be about the Money. Therefore, people in life or death situations should not be held accountable for their actions People in life or death situations should not be held accountable for their actions because It could be the state or city’s fault. Building codes can be outdated therefore causing accidents when disaster strikes. They are not updated with the proper materials so they fall and make the situation worse and cause more deaths.The state or city would be responsible for that because they didn’t take it into their own hands. People aren’t going to know when it will happen so why is it their fault if they were unaware of the city’s actions. They can get caught at the wrong place at the wrong time and not know. Therefore, people in life or death situations should not be held accountable for their actions because It could be the state or city’s fault. …show more content…

People need help in these type of situations and the last thing they need is a bill or a burdening thought that they may not be able to get help because it is too expensive. They will give up, and they need hope that they will survive. It won’t help them if they can’t get help and think they are going to die. Therefore, people in life or death situations should not be held accountable for their actions because They don’t need the burden that they will have to pay a bill or may not get