Can The Law Make Us Be Decent Summary

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People who don’t help others should be punished because they don’t fulfill their ethical responsibility and someone could lose their life because of it. If we see someone who needs help, do we stop? There is so much suffering and poverty out there. In the article “ Can the law make us be decent” by Jay Sterling Silver, the author have talked about how oblivious people should get punished for not required to do anything to help when someone is in danger. People should be punished for not assisting others in an emergency because someone life will be at risk if there’s no help. In the article “ Can the law make us be decent?” the author state “ “Any person who knows that another is in imminent danger, or has sustained serious physical harm, …show more content…

Usually, reporter will always record tragedy or someone in danger and doesn’t go help, it shows that they didn’t fulfill ethical responsibility. This author illustrates “ Rolf threw down his knapsack and the rest of his equipment and waded into the quagmire, commenting for his assistant 's microphone that it was cold and that one could begin to smell the stench of corpses.” This state that Rolf had fulfill his ethical responsibility because he threw down his equipment, hurriedly ran over to the girl and tried to save her. I believe that others reporter would not of taken actions like he did, instead, they will stand recording the situation. Based on the given statement, I think that Rolf is not an oblivious person, instead, he have altruism. He have showed compassion towards the little girls. Based on my experience, I once have seen this group of people was crowding around this blind girl who fell in the water and no one even seems to be running to help her. Suddenly, there’s this man who hurriedly jumped into the water and help her. Other people who just stand there and watch have the ability to help someone yet they did not show any compassion. On the other hand, the guy with no hesitation jumped into the water to save the girl. Therefore, there should be punishment for those who did not assist someone in an emergency