Summary Of Stefania Podgorska's Courage

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Saving someone other than yourself in a terrible situation is not something everyone thinks about doing, but in this case Stefania Podgorska not only saved herself but 13 others, and they all lived. Podgorska didn’t plan to save all those people it was more a spur of the moment thing, and not only did she help them by getting them food she saved every last one of them; and they all lived to see more days. In life, good deeds go unnoticed, the courage and unselfishness of her mind at that time should not be something someone just forgets about it’s a wonderful thing she did and everyone should know about her. By examining Podgorska and her moral courage it is clear that she deserves all the attention given, and or all the respect others show. Stefania came from a well known Catholic family that served the community, and so, when it came to do what she did i’m sure it wasn’t in her mind out of the ordinary/or heroism. She spent most of her younger days just helping out in the community, and being an average kid. “Stefania had to move to a nearby two-bedroom cottage to accommodate them all there were eventually 13 Jews concealed with Podgorska.” (ListVerse #8) With the help of a family friend that had jumped out of a train car they helped keep all 13 Jews healthy, Joe (the family friend) built a false wall in the room, and that is were Podgorska took care of everyone. Good deeds in life happen for a reason, and I believe this event happened because her God knew she would