Percentage Of Water Experiment Essay

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Does Percentage of Water Increase or Decrease in Larger or Smaller Oranges?
Ryan Moreschi
North Quincy High School

The orange has become the most commonly grown fruit in the world. Orange juice is also the most consumed fruit juice worldwide, mainly because of its nutritious benefits, particularly high Vitamin C levels. It has a great deal of history and has been used for a number of purposes dating back to the Age of Discovery. One of these purposes is being used in medical and science experiments. It is featured in the following experiment, which focuses on the relationship between an orange’s size and its percentage of water. Key questions that will be answered in the experiment include: What is an orange? How do oranges “work”? Where do oranges originate? Why do some contain less water than others? These results can be useful to many individuals and institutes, including food shelters, parents feeding their children, or scientists performing experiments. …show more content…

We will compare which one has a higher percentage of water inside. The dependent variable is the water and the independent variable is the group of oranges. The first step is to gather all materials, including the two groups of oranges, tin foil, a knife, two sources of light (such as a lamp) and a weight scale. Begin by slicing the oranges into thin slices, weigh them individually and together as a group, and then place the slices onto tin foil beneath the lamp to start the drying process, also known as evaporation. Wait 24 hours, take slices off the tin foil and weigh the slices again individually and as a group. Compare them to the first time weighed and subtract to find the amount and percentage of water evaporated from the oranges. The experiment is now

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