Perception Vs Reality Higher Education

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Throughout the years of existence of the higher education system studies are now focusing on questions such as what are the serious issues facing higher education in the U.S. and what can institutions do to address these issues? An inside higher education GALLUP survey found that 71 percent of chief business officers at colleges and universities say media reports are suggesting higher education is amid a financial crisis. This accurately reflects the general financial landscape of higher education in the U.S. This is up from 63 percent from the prior year and 56 percent in 2015 (Auter, 2017). The financial crisis is suggested to be the reason as to why the cost of college tuition is up 400 percent since the early 1980s. As GALLUP suggest, …show more content…

One of the main issues that Americans battle with is college costs. In the 2016-2017 school year the average published tuition and fees for full time, in state students in public , four year colleges and universities was 9,650 dollars as opposed to the net tuition and fees for full time in state students were 3,770 (“Perception vs. Reality: College Cost” 2017). This article written by The Guardians Initiative gives insight on how the public views college tuition costs as oppose to the reality of how college governs its policy on tuition. Colleges and universities lean on a multitude of ways to cover the cost of tuition. Some include government support, tuition dollars, and additional miscellaneous revenue sources to help educate college students. This article highlighted on the misconceptions about cost associated with school and how the higher education school system operates to control costs. The universal statement that says the benefits outweigh the cost is ideal to help lower the anxiety of what many Americans perceive to be a problem with school costs. Colleges respond to students a families concerns about the cost by data that’s shows college graduates earn 17,500 dollars more per year than those without or just a high school diploma. The article goes on to point out that the health and lifestyle benefits outweigh the costs as well. People who are college educated tend to live longer, have a great sense of self-worth, more likely to be a home owner, and married. College graduates tend to have more opportunities for advancement in the workforce as well. Another public perception that the article points out is how getting a college degree leads to massive debt and with it being so hard to find employment, paying off student loans is nearly impossible. The study showed that