Persepolis Symbolism

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Persepolis is different from other animated films through its unique imagery, symbolism, and change in time. For example, in Persepolis, unique imagery is evident when there is a change in picture color from multi-color to black and white. In the beginning of the movie, there was a combination of both color and black and white.Three quarters through the movie, the images changed back to multi-color. Finally, the images turn back to black and white. The colored scenes, seem to project the present while the black and white images tended to reflect the past. Most of the black and white scenes, were Marjane as a child or young adult. From watching animated movies, most of them are in color and have fictional characters. For example, The Incredibles is a movie in which …show more content…

As far as unique symbolism, Persepolis uses iconic figures such as Michael Jackson and Lady Liberty to prove a political point. America is politically different from France and Iran. America is free while Iran and France was in a war to gain independence. On the other hand, in today’s animated movies, there tends to be a combination of both social and political issues rather than focusing only on politics. They focus on a combination of popular culture and political views such as famous celebrities/historical figures and the way people’s thinking and interaction within American society. Also, in Persepolis, there are various changes in time periods in Marjane’s age and progression of years. For example, in the movie, Marjane started out small then went back to a young adult, then to a middle aged adult. This showed the progression of years as well as Marji’s age. As far as current movies, Despicable Me 3 tends to stay in the present opposed to moving back and forth. Gru focuses on stopping a villain from destroying the world as opposed to telling a story from the