
Perseus Comparison

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One of the many illustrious myths in greek mythology is that of Perseus. This myth is inspiring for the courage and wonderment that took place within the myth. Because of this, many people have become inspired by the heroic tale, one of these inspirations took place in a film made in 1981 called Clash of the Titans. This movie is based on the renowned myth of Perseus, with Perseus being the main character followed by others that show up in the tale.
Although there is not as many similarities between Clash of the Titans and the Perseus myth there is a few chief principals that stay the same. In both stories, Danae was locked up by her father, Acrisius, impregnated by Zeus in a shower of gold, thrown out to sea with her and her son in a wooden chest, and ended up in Seriphus. Perseus does speak to the Grey Sisters and trick them by taking their eye, and through Athena is gifted a shield. He kills Medusa …show more content…

To start of, Acrisius was not sent to be killed, there was a prophecy in which Perseus killed him, and Argos was not destroyed by the Krakken. Perseus never went to Jappa. In fact, the reason Perseus went to kill the gorgon was because the king of Seriphus, Polydectes, wanted to marry Perseus’ mother Danae, and fooled him by asking what Perseus would offer him as a marriage gift for his ‘foreign bride’ in wich Perseus offered him the head of Medusa. Perseus was joined by Athena and Hermes for a part of the journey and and recieved the helm of darkness from them as well as a sack and flying shoes. While returning to Seriphus, Perseus saw Andromeda, asked her hand in marriage, and defeated a sea monster with a sword. He then returned to Polydectes and turned him and those who mocked his tale into stone. There was no Calibos in the myth of Perseus, nor was there a Krakken. The sea monster in the myth was called Celus. Perseus did not ride Pegasus, instead he was born out of Medusa’s

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