Person-Environment-Occupation Model

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Members in the group had similar life stories and side effects of the medications they were taking. A couple members mention how their medication effects their occupations. One member mentioned that she sleeps all day and cannot do her schedule errands. She mentioned that some days she does not take her medicine because of it. His or her stories may be beneficial to someone that is going through similar situation. That member can take note and learn what was done in order to function in everyday life. The therapy group session allowed the member social interaction with others that has the same disability.

What were the main ideas presented in the discussion and how receptive were members to the ideas?
The main ideas presented in the therapy …show more content…

friendly, tense, anxious, angry, etc.).
The tone of the discussion was extremely friendly. Everyone had a chance to speak and say what was on his or her mind. The other members listen to the members as they were speaking without any disruptions. Everyone in agreement nodded, implying that they are listening and agreed with the member …show more content…

During the discussion members discussed how their disorder affected them personally. One member stated that his disordered allowed him to stay up long nights while in law school before realizing he had a disorder. It allowed him to stay up and study but then he had sleeping spells as a result. He also mentioned getting caught sleeping on the job as a lawyer because of staying up for three days in a row. He explained to his boss that he had a sleeping disorder so he would not get fired. He could not get his assignments done at work because of sleeping. His boss would come to his office for files but they were not completed. This made his cases suffer which affected his clients. One member talked about how she previously sleeps all day because of her disorder. She would be up all night and sleep all day as a side effect of her medication. She stated that she was not able to do any daytime activities because she could not stay up. She would be cranky and lash out on her husband and the people around her. Her body would tell her she needs to sleep but she would try to stay awake to run her errands. She ended her self-disclosure by saying that she does not take the medicine at all some days or if she feels like she need it she will take half of the medication. The group had a sense of group cohesiveness. Members felt comfortable with other group members. They felt like they belong and

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