Personal Essay: All-Star Cheerleading

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I was born on the 30th of November 2000 in Adelaide to a mother named Lesley and a father named Shannon. I am aboriginal from my mum’s side of the family and British from my dad’s side. I’ve been an only child up until last year when on July 18th, my little brother Ethan was born. He’s still very small and likes to crawl around the house, clapping his hands and trying to find anything available to put in his mouth. Mum always has to keep a close eye on him. Growing up, I have always enjoyed animals and currently I have two dogs, their names are Danny and Bella and also a cat named princess who I’ve had since I was very little. When I was 4 I began playing netball and since then I’ve played continuous till this year when I decided to hang up my netball shoes and focus more on another sport which I’m deeply passionate about. This sport is All-Star cheerleading. This sport has become my life, with …show more content…

One of my good habits I have developed is organisation. I very much like things to be in order with a set list of things I need to do, this has helped me keep onto of schoolwork and ensure assignments are completed on time with my already hectic schedule. Another good habit I’ve developed is getting up early. Living over an hour away from school has forced me to make waking up early not only a habit but also a priority, it also me to eat breakfast and get ready without the stress of missing the bus. Along with the good habits I’ve developed, there are also some bad ones like picking at my nails when I’m stressed or biting my lip when I’m anxious. Even though these are only small things, I feel I need to develop some skills to get me out of the habit. Along with this, I feel there are many more skills and habits that I could develop to assist me with my learning and personal