Reflective Essay: What's My Identity As Teacher?

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My identity as Teacher?

A question pretty difficult to responds is what is your professional identity? If you try to answer, I am sure that you are thinking a lot about yourself. But first, I would like to share a concept of identity according to Palmer., (2010) who said that “it evolve a nexus where all the forces that constitute the life converge in the mystery of self ”. Well, I am going to try to answer this question through deepen about myself, and maybe, I will die trying. However, it could be cool to respond it.
I believe that the best option is to perform a retrospective about my university career. During undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to know certain characteristic about me, and teachers who were raised up my interest …show more content…

Otherwise, I understood that I was very self-conscious. When I finished my thesis, I talked with my advisor, and she recommended me that I needed to leave my self-conscious and a good idea could be that I taught in any institution. Finally, I left the university and I stated to teach. I want to clarify that my professional identity is related to the teaching. It started when I had the opportunity to teach Chemistry at the Central University and mathematics at high school. It was a short experience being teacher. Likewise, an extra motivation to teach was that my bother is a teacher at University.

From my perspective being teacher, I always try to be a motivator to my students because I wanted to share my ideas, although it could be a little complex to them. However, I believe that if they were motivated, they learn any topic. For that, I always looked for the chance to get to them.
With respect to the equality and justice inside the class. I consider that I am a leader, but why a leader? because, I consider that a leader is someone who share the activities among their team while consider the opinions. But specially, it is someone who show its attitude and fitness with the example. Therefore, I attempted to maintain the equality and justice with coherence and with activities for all. Moreover, I could delegate extra activities without