Personal Essay: My Interest In The Norlin Institutions

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Despite my dedication to my major and to the areas of interest I seek in postsecondary education, I find myself lost, in that I lack personal growth. Regardless of my achievements in my intellectual pursuits, I have only grown in a small, limited area, and my sole discipline lies within the world of academia. My interest in the Norlin Scholars community stems from the program's dynamic approach to education, which speaks to my own need for a higher perception of myself and the world around me.

The Norlin community that which makes us human as "essential elements of knowing, learning, relating and being”, a revolutionary mindset I respect but do not express myself. By valuing a diverse intelligence, we allow innovation and an expanded, more open mindset to create a better world. However, as a student conditioned to treat academia as the highest expression of intelligence, I am adapted to place a higher level of respect on academic subjects rather than value the expressions of the psyche. As both a student and a person, I want to expand my perception of the world, and discover what it means to be human. To do so, I need help from others to give me new perspectives and experiences of the world, rather than my own limited frame of mind. …show more content…

Open community involvement encourages people to share their talents and potential contributions to that community with greater ease, and to respect personal, social, and cultural differences in such a way that the diversity of a community is what brings that community together. It would be deeply ____ to be a member of such an ideal community that respects its constituents because of their differences rather than in spite of