
Personal Essay: The Legacy Of The Froggy Family

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“I would like to start by saying my mother was a courageous woman who cared for my father, sister, brother, and I. My mother Scarlet lived to be 150 years old. During her 150-year life span, she inspired many. My mom was known for helping those who were unable to help themselves. Mom also helped teach common knowledge to those who weren’t informed. She will always be known as a leader to this community and she will go down in frog history,” Scarlet’s son HRVY reads from his letter, as he stood at the podium that was placed in front of his mother’s casket.
HRVY begin to wipe his tears from his eyes. He looked at his father, and his father nodded in agreement signaling him to continue reading his letter, with a teardrop on his cheek. HRVY smiled …show more content…

Since I could remember, mom has helped almost everyone who has lived on our frog farm. We first started the frog farm in the year 1250 here on planet Sadal. I lived with my mom around my teenage years of my not so normal life. On planet Sadal it was our duty to carry on the farm legacy of the Froggy Family. It was my mother’s idea to carry on the legacy in the first place. She wanted a place where everyone could live and not worry about how they were going to make it or how they were going to survive.,” HRVY stated.
HRVY looked up at all the people who was there supporting his family. He then realized that he didn’t want to continue to sorrow, but he wanted to show how his mother lived to be the legend she was. He looked out into the crowd and saw his best friend’s mother, then all the memories begin to flood in.
“Sharon, you and my mother were extremely close. Do you remember when she found you and Jason hiding up in that tree down by the Rocky River? She took you in like you were her own family. When she brought you back to our house, Jason and I instantly connected. You guys weren’t familiar with anything in the real world. She spent hours out of her day to teach you guys everything you would need to know to survive. Now you guys are some of the most intelligent people on the frog farm. Since she has taught you, you guys have gone around the frog farm helping alongside my mother. She loved you both dearly, and I know you guys …show more content…

HRVY looked at both his best friend and his best friend’s mother who were crying. He then began to read from his letter again.
“Jeff, mother helped you and your wife learn how to take care of a house hold, so you can care for your new born child. Now, you guys three kids and the perfect family, and many wishes they had the house hold that you guys have, HRVY said.
Jeff and Margret, who’s Jeff’s wife, smiled and blew a kiss to HRVY. HRVY then begin to say how his mother helped everyone in the frog farm.
HRVY stated,” Zach and April she showed you guys how to hunt for food. Ariel she taught you how to save yourself in case you were ever in danger, and lastly, Blake, she taught you how to an amazing father to your kids.”
Then everyone begins to rise slowly, one by one, kids and adults. They all gathered around in a

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