Personal Finance Requires Too Much Essay

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Are you in debt? Do you have too many obligations? Do you borrow from one card to pay another? Is it because you do not understand the financial products you use? Are you living beyond you means? Maybe you do not have a metric to measure how much debt is too much, and don’t realize how much debt you actually have? It could be that you think personal finance requires too time to learn? Or that understanding financial literacy requires too much math? “Behavioral economics” is a popular profession now because even geniuses make poor financial decisions, and irrational choices. The truth is that when it comes to money, some choices will always be more emotional than logical. Yet choosing not to learn as much as you can about financial literacy …show more content…

So even if you have good habits, not knowing how the financial system can still damage your future. Maybe you equate financial acumen with math, so you avoid learning more about it? This is precisely why most of the financial gurus never provide any computations (basic arithmetic) for any of their popular schemes. Getting in debt is not about math, so the math alone is almost irrelevant. In fact, I bet your opinion about math changes when you are using the same arithmetic to count the money you have and not the money you owe. Obviously, the big name financial gurus know that you will never do the math, so they get away with saying the same dubious things on every speaking engagement. In fact, they even get paid vast sums of money to provide unproven solutions smothered in inspiration. This book is different. Unlike the guru club who’s only career has been going on speaking engagements and book tours, I have actually worked in the financial industry. Where solutions must be supported with facts. Through out this short book I will show you exactly what gotchas to identify in a financial product and also provide you with evidence that what I am showing you is how it really works. The time you spend reflecting on what I will show you will literally save you thousands of