Personal Legend In The Alchemist

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What is a personal legend? Some people don't know their personal legends, and The Alchemist describes everything you need to know. A personal legend is one's goal or dream in life. A lot of people either don’t know theirs or is scared to chase it. The theme of personal legend are shown by the characters in the story. Santiago, the main character of the story is a great representation of chasing your personal legend. His dream is to travel and explore, as a shepherd he travels but constantly in a circle. In his journey he comes across multiple characters that help him along the way. Santiago gains values, experience, love, and etc. He even matures through his adventure. Santiago said “he didn't want to become a priest. That he wanted to travel.” ,Some people may view this book as Santiago chasing treasure but his real dream is traveling. In the end Santiago achieves his dream because of hard work and never giving up. …show more content…

The englishman’s personal legend was to become an alchemist, but he was scared of failure. Also the englishman just wanted to be able to turn things gold. He didn’t want to learn and work hard for the riches. “It was my fear of failure that kept me from attempting the master work.” He kept from trying to complete his personal legend because he was afraid. Don’t be like the englishman, don't be afraid of failure. Failure is better than succeeding at point always learn from a failure. The englishman never did attempt his personal legend because of fear, that's worse than