E. T. Elliott Character Analysis

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Personal Meaning. In the movie E.T. Elliott is the middle child of three kids that is growing up in the 80’s. Growing up in the 80’s there are several experiences that Elliott had that are comparative such as being able to ride bikes around town everywhere. I was able to ride my bike down town at the same or around the same age that Elliott is in the movie. I say this is an example because now days you do not see children riding their bikes places at that age anymore, they are usually driven around by the parents. Another example that popped out was when they went trick or treating and how all the children were walking around the neighborhood and there were no parents. I remember doing this as a child and with no parents around unlike today …show more content…

He has a very good imagination and has a big curiosity for the world. I think that Elliott is in the stage concrete operational. In concrete operational children can solve problems logically and in this case when Elliott went looking for E.T. he used Reese’s Pieces to lure him back to his house. Then he used them again to bring him inside his house and up to his room. He also figured out that E.T. needed to go home and he and his brother figured out a way to communicate with E.T.’s family. Elliott is in the stage of learning what makes him angry. “When parents respond with disapproval or punishment, emotions such as anger and fear may become more intense and may impair children’s social adjustment” (???,???, p. 296). When Elliott was trying to tell his mother and his sibling what he saw his mother did not believe him and basically said it was not true. His brother made fun of him and at that moment Elliott shouted out with anger. Elliott then resorted to lying and sneaking around behind his mother’s back because of his mother’s disapproval of him telling stories. This is an accurate norm that a child would demonstrate because they would not want to get into trouble. Obviously there is conflict in the home with Elliott because he makes the comment that his dad would believe him. Elliott is showing his emotional need of his father not being there with him but …show more content…

For the first visit I would have my journal and his journal and we could sit and decorate it and discuss the things that we would put in our journals. I would also express to him that this could be where he expresses his feelings about his parents’ divorce and what he wants to share with his dad and his mom. I would also try and have Elliott play with play doe or in a sand tray while talking about his parents’ divorce to see if there is any underlining anger or other emotions that could be shown through