Personal Narrative: A Christian

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A Christian that I look up to is my mother. I look up to her because of she worked hard to get to where she is today, since she came from a poor family. I also look up to her because how she works out her Christian faith. I know that she has a very close and strong relationship with God. Whenever I ask her for advice or help with a problem I have, she always responds with, “Pray.”
I asked her about how she deals with honesty and lying, and she responded with, “First be honest to yourself. Because if you’re lying to yourself, it’ll be easy for you to lie to others.” My mom deals with her loyalty to God by following the Ten Commandments, going to church, and by always having faith in God. As for her authenticity versus phoniness, she is so genuine …show more content…

She said, “If I can sense that someone is telling the truth, I can trust them. I can’t stand plastic people.” If you observe my mom and what she does day to day, I strongly doubt you would be able to call her lazy. She’s anything but lazy. My mom is always up doing something and getting work done. “I get a headache if I’m not doing something,” she told me. “If you want to live and have a good life, then don’t be lazy.” I have a lot to learn from my mom when dealing with self control. Usually when I’m shopping, I’ll see something, tell myself not to get it, and then buy it anyways. But for my mom, she says, “If it’s not important, then let it go.” I remember her constantly talking about this really cute bag she saw online. She really wanted to buy it, but she knew it was unnecessary and expensive, so she didn’t get it. Likewise many people, my mom fluctuates from being positive to negative. One day she’s really optimistic, the next day she’s worried out of her mind. My mother is the kind of person that has a hard time with being “self - centered,” which is a good thing actually. She does so much for me that sometimes I feel guilty about how she helps me so much. She always