Personal Narrative-ASB Council

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“THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!” I could hear my heart racing at what felt like 1,000 beats every minute that had passed. My stomach felt like it was tied up in knots as I was dripping with sweat from my head to my toes. I almost fell into a trance waiting for the big announcement until the dreadful smell of 100 kids’ sweat pulled me back to reality. Silence fell over the dark cafeteria with only a streak of light peeking in through the door frame. Ryan, our current ASB president took a deep breath before he made the big announcement. If only I had known what Ryan was going to say next, I wouldn’t have complained so much because as long as you know what you’re working towards, all the effort you put in becomes worth it.
It was 2012, it had only been my second year at Brightwood Elementary. My fourth grade class had chosen me to be one of their student council representatives. I had no clue what the responsibilities or purpose of a …show more content…

I didn’t know any of the eighth grade ASB council members, in fact, I was intimidated by them. However, after attending more meetings and getting to know the council members, I was fascinated by what they do. It was at that moment I realized that I enjoyed being involved. I loved the feeling of knowing what was going on in our school, especially knowing before my other classmates. I liked reporting back to the class and announcing the upcoming activities and most importantly, I enjoyed being able to help out and contribute back to my school. My nine year old self decided that I had to be in ASB, despite the fact that I had three more years before I could even run for a position.
From then on, I had been student council representative every year, and after each year, I was less interested in it. It had become more of a routine rather than wanting to help out. I had lost my purpose. It wasn’t until seventh grade rolled around the corner and I just could not wait till I got to run for an ASB