Personal Narrative: Anorexia

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Surrounded at the Bronx school lunch table every day, watching people left and right eating like they have never eaten before. I sit here watching them because what else should I do? Eat? I don’t think so, I sit here with the same moldy lunch that hasn’t been touched in weeks.The secret of my anorexia isn’t that hard to keep from people because no one even really notices me anymore after the way I treated them. Ever since my dad passed away in a shooting 3 months ago I started to stop eating and ever sense I've practically shunned all of my friends out of my life. So my mom decided that I should join a club to take my mind off things, so I joined Cross Country, but I still think about my dad every day. I still have pain, I remember him bringing …show more content…

“Hey” I say back hesitantly still not really knowing where the talking was coming from, I felt a slight tingle run through me like I had just been slightly tazered. I look behind me and see a girl in my Language Arts class, and her name was, Tanisha. She kinda slumps with a hastic manner and says “Why haven’t you been eating? I don’t think I’ve seen you eat for a whole week, is something going on?” “Is there something you need?” I kind of shy away and say back to her, “No, it’s just that I’m aloud to eat in my class before lunch so I just eat in there”. But that was a lie, I haven’t eaten anything for about 6 days now. I eat a yogurt now and then or maybe even a granola bar but that's hardly ever. So I look away from Tanisha. I think to myself, staring down at the lunch room floor, I felt a pain run through my body, it felt like I was just shot and didn’t die right away and I still was going through pain. I throw my moldy lunch on the ground, causing my food to go flying, and walk out before anyone would stop and say anything to …show more content…

I hopped in the old discolored Jeep Wrangler that my dad had given me for my birthday last year and drive on over to a local store to buy body weights for my gaining test tonight. I walk into the dressing room when I arrive with the weights, I try them on and they fit perfectly, it actually made it look like I gain. But that also means I just look more fat than what I actually was. But hopefully the underclothing weights will work for when I’m being weighed tonight. When I get home and mom eventually arrives, a little after we hop right back into the car to leave to the doctor's office about my