Personal Narrative

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Even though it’s Monday
My humble habitation consists of a small, never enough spots to put things, always fighting clutter, nine-hundred square foot home. Although well loved, our home only seems to acquire the care it actually deserves when we have the funds. So, subsequently it is not a fancy home. Sometimes it amazes me it’s still standing, but we do what we can. When we can put time, money and energy into the house, we do it with relief that something is getting done and love. I share my home with my husband of twenty-one years, and the three of my five kids that are still at home. My crazy, beautiful, children that still live at home, are all under ten. I have one extremely emotional two-year-old, that sometimes makes me feel like I’m …show more content…

We have my grandmother on our property living next door, the Scottish fold kitties, and at the barn we have the horses, chickens, rabbit and whatever other critters happens along. Also, we have a garden, pool, hot tub, wheelers and the whole shebang that goes with kids, animals, and the country. Needless to say our property is a cross between hillbilly, hippie, redneck, farmer Joe’s and a commune.
On this particular day I need take my oldest to work. She is twenty-one, a college student, and works hospice about thirty minutes away and is having car problems. She has to be at work at 7:30 am, but the littles must be on the bus at 7:15 and the toddler doesn’t wake tell 8:30-8:50. Boy, I hate to wake him up early. Nothing like poking a baby bear! Needless to say, the night before I ask grandma to come over and basically nap in the chair, so the baby doesn’t need to wake up and to remind the kids when it’s bus …show more content…

The littles don’t wake up tell 6:40 and I don’t expect grandma tell 6:55. About the time I’m good and lathered I hear grandma just a yelling, “Isn’t anyone up yet?!?” You can tell by her voice that she is irritated that no one is up and maybe being a little bit of a stinker. She loves waking people up. She has loved booting people out of bed ever since I can remember! So I hop out of the shower as fast as I can, still covered, in suds and yell back at her from the door of the bathroom and say I’m here in the bathroom, but of course her hearing aid is just a squalling and she can’t hear a thing so she knocks on the table with her cane, as I barge out of the bathroom with nothing on, but the suds to tell her I’m up. She looks me straight in the eye and says well you better put some clothes on before the kids see you! Oh by the way did I mention it’s 6:25? I’m irritated, but on the way back in the bathroom I look over in the mirror and say to my reflection “Yep, for reals” and then just laugh and think of what a blessing it is she can make it over here to yell at me and I tell myself to let it

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