Personal Narrative-Correspondyl Disaster

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I am awaken with a violent jolt, then scraping sound. I reach up to cover my ears from the wretched sound. Then all of a sudden it stops. I look around the room trying to figure out what exactly just happened. I open the door to the hallway, and all I hear is silence. No noises are coming through any of the rooms, the hallways, or even above deck like I am so used to hearing. I can’t even hear the engines run. I start to leave my room and try to investigate what has happened. After traveling down many hallways I finally set sight on a woman. “Excuse me!,” I yelled down the hallway. “Do you know what happened? I have been looking for someone else for a long while.” “I’m afraid I don’t know what happened. I heard loud noises and I woke up. It was …show more content…

Might I ask what you’re kicking around?” The three boys kick the chunk over to me, and I kick it back. “It’s ice, miss. It came off of an iceberg that came real close to the ship.” One of the boys tell me. They continue to mess around with the ice as I stand dumbfounded. “Iceberg! I hope no damage has been done to the ship. Thank you for telling me. Good evening.” I say to myself, “I really need to find the captain.” I spot the captain 's cabin down the hallway, and I rush to knock on the door. I only knock once before Captain Smith opens the door. “Hello, how are you? How can I help you?” He opens the door wider, allowing me inside. “I am a bit frazzled actually. There was a booming noise, and I just got word that we had passed an iceberg. I have a dreadful feeling that we have struck the iceberg. Tell me captain, are we safe?” The captain looks around, as if he doesn’t want anyone to hear what he has to say. “I am afraid to inform you that we have, indeed, struck the iceberg. Multiple bulkheads are filling with water, and I cannot stop them. Please get a life jacket, and get to a life boat as quickly as possible.” His eyes cast down, and I see the disappointment in his drooping