Personal Narrative Essay

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Essay Prompt: Some students have a background; identity, interest or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Time- the indefinite constant process of existence and events in the past, present, and future. Throughout the seventeen years I've been living, I have experienced great achievement, great loss and was able to successfully overcome it, all thanks to four important people in my life, my siblings.

Seven years ago, I was ten years old.
I was graduating from Tamarac elementary school,
And I was the oldest of 3 children.

Today I am seventeen years old,
I will be graduating from Sachem East High School,
I am the oldest of 5 children. …show more content…

My three sisters and my brother idolized my every movement and thought. As the pressure to be their role model increased, my self-image was a reflection of a standard I was setting for not only myself but for them as well. This was more and more evident as I reached high school. My choices to the situations I endured did not just affect me, but my siblings as well. These things had to be taken into consideration more than I could imagine. For example, there was a moment when I wanted to give up and take the easy way out of the A.P World History course.I thought it would be easy to drop, rather than continue. I concluded however that if I quit, if I gave up, it would’ve shown my siblings that quitting was ok.What kind of leader gives up, what example would I have set for them as they're growing and experiencing life? I am a strong believer that this was a turning point in my life. I started to show more interest in how my actions would affect my siblings rather than myself. They were my motivation to succeed not only academically but also, athletically. As an athlete I believe my encounters deeply affected my siblings because they play the sport I love so dearly, soccer. This is the sport that caused my stressed and ironically, relieved it most of the time. My frustration on the field became theirs. My bad game became their bad game. My game-winning goal was celebrated like it was theirs. They gave me a value I would have never