Personal Narrative: My Essay In My Honors English Class

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As a student, I have grown in my skills for academic success by having to write an essay in my Honors English class. We’ve recently finished reading the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and were told to write an essay about one of the given prompts. Before having to write this essay, I was struggling with the type of vocabulary and perspective, which was third-person, I was supposed to use. I had to find the right quotes from the book and explain in detail how they support the prompt, I felt that was the hardest for me. The words “I” or “me” weren’t allowed in the essay, unless they were in quotes. I never wrote anything without writing my thoughts on the subject. Also, the language that is used in the book made it even harder for me to understand what was really going on in the novel, which made the essay harder for me to write. This was the first time writing an essay like this, so it was difficult to me for that reason. After writing the essay, my knowledge on my writing skills have increased. The first time I wrote this essay, I got a 1 out of 9 due …show more content…

In my biology class class we had to write and present a children’s book to another class. The story was about an ecology topic and my topic was on invasive species. My group had to gather information and write a story based on what we found out about the topic. Before doing this project, I couldn’t really write stories off the top of my head, I need something to make it based off of and the information that I got didn’t help much because it was just facts, and it didn’t give me story ideas with it. Also, I wasn’t very good at presenting. I would always get nervous and feel myself heat up so then I would hide myself away from the class. I would be moving around a lot and would distract the audience from the actual presentation. When I would read something aloud to the class, my voice would stutter and it felt as if everyone was making fun of

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