Personal Narrative Essay

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There is a girl who lives with her mother in a house that looks nice on the outside, but on the inside it was a mess. The girl’s name was Elizabeth and her mother’s name is Mary Ellen. Elizabeth is 13 years old. Elizabeth has a younger brother and sister whose 7 and 10 years old. Their names are Jim Bob and Olivia. One Wednesday night in 2013 when Elizabeth goes to her youth group, she finds out that the whole youth group is going to the GIANT Center for convention next week for 4 days during the next week. After she gets home from youth group, she tells her mother about the whole thing.
Elizabeth says, ” This year’s convention sounds like a lot of fun. Can I go with the rest of the youth group?”
Mary Ellen says to Elizabeth, “ You can not …show more content…

Why should I have to take care of my grandmother when she isn’t even related to me?” She goes to her room and starts crying. She starts to write in her secret diary and prays to God to help her persuade her mom to let her go to convention with her friends. After she’s done in her room, she goes out to the kitchen to talk with her mom about her grandmother. After Elizabeth talks with her mom, Mary Ellen changes her mind and lets Elizabeth go to the youth group convention with the rest of the youth group.
The very next week on Tuesday, Elizabeth goes to convention with the rest of the youth group. While Elizabeth is gone with the rest of her youth group, Mary Ellen gives the job of taking care of her mother to Olivia while Jim Bob has the job of cleaning their house. While Elizabeth is at convention, she is having fun with her friends rollerskating. During the service at convention, Elizabeth feels guilty about not taking the job of taking care of her grandmother the whole week after school. As soon as she felt that emotion, she started crying. While she was crying and praying, she felt the hand of somebody touch her shoulder and then she realized that it was her youth pastor and he was praying for her. At lunch time she feels the hand of God reaching down to help her onto her