Personal Narrative Essay

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“Envision this Jeff, that you were watching a football game, then suddenly a book exploded,” said John Jeff’s best friend. “Your soo ignorant about things John,” answered Jeff. “Why don’t you get out of my house so I can finish my job application”. “Okay,” replied John. Jeff took two hours to complete the application and then turned it into the front office. He felt so relieved that this was over. The reason why he wanted this job is so he could have more money since he was wearing a ripped jumpsuit with an old pair of sneakers. Two hours later he found out that he got the job. Jimmy, the boss, talked to him about everything needed to do the job. Jeff worked on cleaning the office, taking out …show more content…

Jeff wasn’t in the mood and started to get furious. His face became red and his eyes were bloodshot. The whole building started falling to the ground and city hall next door was destroyed next. Then all the towns’ buildings were going down. “I am the mayor of the city, HAHAHAHAHA!!” “Who shall stand up to me?” His best friend John and his other friend Bob came up to his challenge. Everyone was chanting. “MAYOR”, “MAYOR”, “MAYOR”. Then the battle has begun. Jeff threw a punch and hit Bob. John threw a punch and hit Bob. Bob fell to the floor. They kept on throwing punches and hurting each other. Then in an instant John fell to the floor. Jeff was gaining more power. His allies thought he was going insane, so they ditched him and stole thousands of dollars from him. Jeff was now broke. He thought if he did a good deed he would get his friends back. So he gave everyone no taxes. Everyone cheered for him and became his friend. Also, he got lots of cash. After all the madness, he was relaxing in his majestic bed thinking to himself, ”What if this never happened”? “What if I never got that job”? “I need to stop myself from getting that job”. Luckily it was the future, so they had time