Different Perspectives Of Marriage In Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window

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Rear window Alfred Hitchcock quoted in the film's rear window, “Maybe one day she’ll find her happiness.” (stella) “yeah and some man will lose his.” (Jeff). The characters in the rear window reflect a realistic view on marriage. Do you agree? Hitchcock refers that realistic marriage is demonstrated throughout the film. The director has expressed different perspectives of marriage. The scene was set in Greenwich village in 1954, which is located in New York with gloomy apartments spotted in the area.The audience was set through a window to see different perspectives of marriage, through the protagonist's binoculars, (jefferies). Hitchcock refers to Mr and Mrs Thorwald, Lisa and Jeff, which defines marriage aspects. Hitchcock is using these …show more content…

Hitchcock presents a marriage as ‘insecurities’ which can bring to a person or their life. A realistic marriage is presented by Hitchcock by showing relations between characters and their behavior. Mr and Mrs Thorwald are identified as having a damaged relationship. Hitchcock showed Mr Thorwald an aggressive man who hated his wife because of her constant nagging. Mr Thorwald became tired of the arguments she created. In the beginning of the movie the audience was shown through the eyes of Jeff to witness the way Mr Thorwald was taking care of his sick wife, by leaving a tray of food.“Why would a man leave his apartment three times on a rainy night with a suitcase and come back three times?” (Jeff) “He likes the way his wife welcomes him home.”( stella.) After seeing Mr Thorwald leave his apartment in a dewy, muddy weather Jeff became even more suspicious. Few days later Hitchcock scripted that Thorwald should end his wife's life by cutting her body parts and burying in …show more content…

The camera was placed on a low angle showing Stella massaging Jeff since she was his caretaker. Jeff and Lisa had a one sided love, because of Jeff's choices, the quote he stated was him talking about how Lisa is too good for him because he wanted someone who is simple and elegant. Lisa wanted to marry Jeff as soon as possible but Jeff was unsure about her. Lisa was seen wearing very old fashioned clothes, she was always dressed up, wearing all her rich,shiny jewelry, with combed hair. She was very stylishish but compared to the end of the movie she was wearing simple clothes with more bright colors. The reason for this is because Lisa achieved something towards the end by conquering Mr Thorwald's wife's ring as a proof to show to the police. She was able to impress Jeff by risking her life even though Jeff had disagreed, but Lisa wanted to prove him wrong about his choices. Lisa had always put effort in their relationship by making dinners, staying at his house and caring for him, and keeping herself clean and tidy for him but seemed to fail. Later in the movie Jeff had explained everything to Lisa saying that he is suspicious about Mr Thorwald and his wife but Lisa didn't agree and would tell him to stop spying on his neighbors. Looking at the background