Social Isolation In Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window

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Alfred Hitchcock 's Rear Window explores the lives of those who feel isolated within society. The 1954 film, set in the tenements of Grenwich village, depicts those who are incapable of fitting into society 's expectations, as well as those who feel isolated from common interaction with others. Moreover, Hitchcock displays how its human nature to seek comfort and deeper connection even with those who are surrounded by others. Despite depicting characters as lonely, the progression of the film illustrates how individuals can be freed from isolation. The director asserts the loneliness and struggle that comes from fitting into social mores. The film 's protagonist L.B Jefferies is characterised as a man who diverts himself from what is expected of him. His dislike for marriage and his desire to remain independent isolates him from the rest of society. When Stella is conversing with Jeff about his relationship with Lisa Freemont, Hitchcock exhibits the constraints of society 's expectations. The fact that Jefferies does 'not want to ' get married to Lisa is considered 'abnormal ' in Stella 's eyes, indicates the normalisation of marriage during 1954. Jefferies ' isolation from society 's view of marriage is utilised by Hitchcock in order to critique the way in which society pushes others to conform. Jefferies’ dread is further displayed in the introduction of Lisa. Despite the close up on her face accentuating her beauty and the lighting illuminating her face giving her an angel like appearance, the shadow first introduces her as a shadow looming over him. Her shadow …show more content…

The 1954 film Rear Window discusses those within society who feel isolated. In showing those who are isolated by society 's expectations, and contrasting the way in which individuals put up a façade in public, Hitchcock demonstrates the impact of isolation. However, Hitchcock also illustrates through the progression of the film how people can