Personal Narrative Essay About Fishing

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It started out a great, day it was all good times and great fun. The only thing we were expecting that day was to catch a big fish. We didn't expect anything bad to happen, but then that ringing sound filled the air and everything changed. My good friend logan and his dad Keith had invited us on their boat to go fishing. I love fishing, so I gladly took them up on that offer. I had spent the night at his ginormous house. And we got up at the crack of dawn. We loaded up the boat and were off. It was great we were catching fish I could feel the fresh air seeping into my lungs as i took a deep breath. I could taste the cold Ccoke rushing into the desert that I call my mouth. And the small waves pushing us and the peaceful sound of the water hitting the boat. You could see the birds circling the water looking for any scrap of food the could find. And their screeches piercing our eardrums. We took a break from fishing to eat some lunch. I could taste the cold meat and cheese along with the taste of fish that was coming from my hands. …show more content…

The subtlesuddle breeze that fanned us just enough to create the perfect day. I watched as my bait fluttered down into the dreary darkness of the deep, where light could no longer reach, were the monsters lived. I felt a little tap as the reflective tip of the pole bent with each thud. It tapped once more but stronger this time, I could feel my muscles tense as a yanked up. The fish was on I reeled as fast as I could. I caught glimpse of the hefty fish thrashing and spinning uncontrollably. the flashing of it small yet blinding scales shooting the light into my eyes. As I yanked it onto the the boat I heard “ That a kid get three more and there's dinner.” yelled Keith full of excitement and

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