Personal Narrative Essay: Is Chivalry Dead?

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Is chivalry dead or is it just rarely looked upon? Also if you say chivalry is dead did you look into it? Do you even know what chivalry really means? If you say chivalry is dead you need some facts because I believe chivalry is still alive and going strong. Courtly love is not dead it is just called the same thing in today's generation. Also today people don’t call chivalry, chivalry. One reason why I say chivalry is not dead is because I still see people hold doors for other people. In the older and the younger generation some men still pull out chairs for women when they are at any restaurant also. So that means chivalry is not dead. It is just not looked upon in today’s society and it is also not called the same thing. A lot of people call it different things but no one really uses the word chivalry anymore. That is why it is rarely seen because people don’t see it the same. …show more content…

One encounter was at military ball when the guys seat the girls. All the guys pulled the seats out for the girls and waited till they were all seated before they sat down. An experience it when someone put me before themselves. Also people hold the door open for me a lot. I know some people some people don’t chivalry but I see it as chivalry. When a man showed chivalry in the middle ages in england he was called “ The Knight in Shining Armor”. People are realizing that when chivalry and equality stand side by side anybody can be a knight in shining armor.”Men believe in chivalry, but they feel they are making futile attempts.”-Is Chivalry Still Alive. That does not mean men just stopped trying. Men still put women on a high stool, but that is only when women accept his chivalry. Also yes there are some women who refuse or don’t want to be put on a high stool because they would rather be treated as equal instead of being treated like a