Personal Narrative: Going To America

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Its 1914 and I just got the news that we were finally going to America! We have been waiting for several years trying to save up money and figure everything out. Going to America is almost every ones dream here in Europe. Just like Oscar Hammerston said, “ You gotta have a dream. If you don't have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true.” Most wanted to go to America to escape poverty, famine, or to get religious freedom. We will be leaving tomorrow. I will go to America with my mom and sister, my dad is already over there. We will have to walk about 60 miles to get to the boat and then the boat ride over to America will be a long and grueling journey. My mom hollered at me to start packing. She told me I could only bring two …show more content…

A the bottom of the staircase was a post office, a ticketing office for the railways, and social workers to help the immigrants who needed assistance. There was also an office to exchange money. After we exchanged our money we headed to the kissing post. It is called “the kissing post” becaaue that is were family members were reunited. After months or years apart they kissed and hugged. My momma turned to me and said, “honey we have made in through, we are going to America.” the long and grueling journey was finally over. After suffering the boat ride over hear and all the harsh inspections, we were going to America. We would ride a train to Georgia. We have heard so many things about Georgia. We wanted to be out in the country and be farmers. We would finally have enough food were we wouldn't be starving. We were free to believe in whatever religion we wanted to. We could live in America and be happy! I would finally have peace at night when I went to sleep knowing my family would be okay. Like Oscar Hammerston said, “peace is not the product of a victory or command. It has no finish line, no deadline, no fixed definition of achievement. Peace is a never-ending process, the work of many