Personal Narrative: Growing Up In The United States

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Robert H. Schuller once said “Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”Growing up in a middle class family, I was a very mundane child; I go to schoolandgo out with friendslike most kids do, I wasn’t very into any sports, I just like playing out door. Meanwhile time passes on, and I was moved to America. Moving to the United State was a new beginning for me; becauseI have to learn everything about their culture. Sport in the U.S is very bigand popularto most people, so I startedto learn about them more and I started havinginterest withbasketball;basketball was my identity and connection to others. But during my sophomore year in high school, everything didn’tseem togo the way I wantedto be.And it was because of the injury I had, my life completely change since.

This long story begins with a goal that I made for myselfduring my freshman year in high school; I wanted to play high school basketball for four years straight, and this goal seems pretty neat for me.Because Texas is a very competitive state for both basketball and football, so making it to the team is not easy. I went to ahigh schoolthat was ranked …show more content…

When I woke up in the hospital, I realize that I couldn’t remember anything during the seizure; I can barely remember before the seizure triggers it.And this incident took everything away from me, I was sad and depress. This might be one of the reasons why the coaches cut me from the team. Even though I loved the sport of basketball so much, but it seems like God didn’t want me to pursue thispath.I couldn’t understand why God took away my dream and goal, but later on I realize that Godhad a better plan for me. What I really learn from this incident is that no matter what kind of trials or obstacles I’ll face in the future, I have to always be thankful for what I have and be more positive when I’m facing