
Personal Narrative: Hi Brookie

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Was that a dream?It can't be a dream, it feels all too real, and I remember way too much, for it to be a dream. Yesterday I was both running from the rath of the government and hiding in the forest, and I was out searching for food with Sal. I wonder if I'm going mad. You can't just remember living two lives at the same time. “Hi Brookie. See your awake now.” My little sister looks at me with a small smile on her face. I don't see her smile to much anymore. Before the war, she used to smile all the time. In the “other life”, Abigail never smiled. The society there made us be rid of our emotions. Not to mention, she was taken away. “Both you and Jeffrey were asleep for a long time. It's nearly noon.” Her smiled began to fade away.
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