Personal Essay: How I Break My First Bone

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Around 6 million people break a bone in their body per year and I have never broken a bone in my entire life. I have been involved in a few crazy accidents, but I have never hurt myself that severely. The one time I came close to that was when I flipped and crashed a four-wheeler. The whole incident was totally my sister’s fault. This is my story of how I almost broke my first bone.

It all started at my dad’s birthday party when all the adults were drinking and it was only 11 am. The kids were having fun and messing around on four wheelers and dirt bikes. We were going fast but that did not matter because we were having fun. We were at a family-friends farm, which was 1hr 45 mins away from the nearest hospital. My sister, cousin, and I went down the old dirt road that no one travels on anymore. This meant we could go as fast as we wanted! My sister was on the left shoulder going over tiny hills and my cousin turned off at an unfamiliar trail. Therefore, I decided I should go as fast as I could on a straight dirt road, no harm in that.

Well, my sister likes to go slow and she pulled out right in front of me; I was going 65 mph. I had less than a second to think. I turned to the …show more content…

There were marks on the road from when I turned. I could not hear anything; I was blocking everything out because I was so shocked. My mouth was dry and my cheeks hurt from crying so much. It felt like my eyes were stinging and I used all of my body water when I was crying. It also felt like someone was putting a lot of pressure on my ribs and it was hard to breathe. Regan, my cousin, asked me “Are you okay? Can you move?” while laughing. She thought I broke a bone. My sister did not say anything; she was just as shocked as I was. However, it turns out that I only bruised three of my ribs. The point in telling you this story is to warn you to be a defensive driver because if you are not something bad could