Personal Narrative: How Pacoima Changed My Life

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Pacoima is a city with five or six active gangs. Here, the low-income neighborhood carries a sense of fear and despair that permeate the air. In the summer of 2016, after having mustered the right confidence, I took on a summer job at Hubert H. Humphrey Recreation Center - home to one of the city’s most deadliest gang, the Humphrey Boys. Ironically, that summer would be the park community’s turning point, hosting the safest, most loving, and consistent 2016 Summer Night Lights (SNL). At first, the despair stuck with me, and the job terrified me. Despite cautious remarks of working with gang members - two weeks into the program - I felt connected to the regular families who showed up for the SNL activities. One family in particular stood out as proof that I had made an impact, the Rodriguez family. Richard, their twelve-year-old son openly expressed his future as one being doomed for failure. Richard began telling me about his life: …show more content…

Speaking to Richard’s mother, I encouraged her participation in activities, where both she and her son could bond. They did several activities together, and slowly a genuine smile began forming on Richard 's face.
By the end of the summer, I had a different perspective on communal change. Communities as a whole consist of distinct individuals, many desiring to see change; change, which can be started by a single person impacting another 's actions. Richard’s family was my avenue into that process. Instilling my ideas into Richard and his mother, I encouraged, assisted and advised them to act differently. As I did with Richard, his mother and him would do with others. I had ignited a fire that would develop and grow to improve the small community of Pacoima. Having realized this, my direct impact was seen through Richard 's family and others like it - change therefore begins with small