Personal Narrative: How Writing Changed My Life

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When life throws you off a mountain, then stomps on your face about 1000 times, it’s pretty horrible. I’ve never been great at dealing with my emotions and that’s not good. I would hold them all in and that went on for 3 years, then I exploded. When that happened, I fell into a destructive state of mind. I isolated myself from my entire family and friends, it got so bad that I hurt myself the summer before I started 8th grade. For the next 5 months, I was suffocating and I didn’t know how to stop. It wasn’t until my mom found out she immediately made an appointment to bring me in for therapy. That’s when my love for reading and writing got its start. In 8th grade, when my mom took me to therapy, my therapist’s name was Lisa and she’s the one who got me into reading. At the beginning of my …show more content…

I didn’t realize how much it would help me to write down my thoughts that day or to write made up stories about people like me but I would give them all a happy ending because I feel that almost everyone deserves a happy ending, when they’ve gone through hell. Writing helped me get my anger and sadness out into words, but with my anger, I would write swears all over the page, it helps a lot more than hitting a pillow. When “Gurba vs. D155” started, you know neighbors suing the school district over the bleachers I was terrified to come to school because I had a feeling that something bad would happen either to me in school or to my mom while she was home alone all day. It still scares me to this day. I kept a notebook, a lot of notebooks around with me all day during school hours and at home. I found comfort when I wrote myself little notes saying that things will be okay and no one’s crazy enough to do anything horrible to me or my family. Writing is what I use to calm myself down, to try to reassure myself that things aren't as bad as I think they