Personal Narrative: I Am Passionate About Biking

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I am someone who is passionate about biking. That doesn 't mean that I am the best at it. To be honest I think I might be the worst at it, but I still enjoy biking. Ever since I was 13 I 've been going on 40 mile bike rides by myself. I am just a person that likes biking in its entirety. By that I mean I like long distance, Mountain and stunt biking. Although the last time I did a stunt I did a backflip and almost destroyed my arm and my bike. But I did say I wasn 't the best, and even when I crashed it was still pretty funny. I have also done downhill and ramp biking and I think I like downhill more. Although it can be more dangerous if there are a lot of roots or logs on the way down. I 've biked to many trails to count but I can 't