Personal Narrative: Life Before The Great Recession

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When I was a bit younger I used to envy guys that had awesome cars. From Mustangs and Beamers, to Range Rovers and Gelandewagens. In my extremely narrow frame of mind at the time, I felt that if I acquired an elite vehicle, then I would reach a state of fulfillment and happiness. At least this is what was pumped into my head through a constant deluge of television and magazine advertisements. So I worked and saved and finally bought myself a Land Rover. I was overcome with joy that I had finally received membership into this reference group of men with expensive cars. This reference group had made me feel somewhat inadequate. But now I was living the American dream! Well that elation lasted until the first payment was due. Now I was to become a wage slave for five years to pay off this car that really did not offer any sense of fulfillment. And during this period of internment I would constantly think to myself just how that money could have been better spent. So after five slogging years working the salt mines that Rover was paid off, and I vowed to myself to never …show more content…

It could be said that before the Great Recession a sweet car was a status symbol. In my view and in many others, the new status symbol du jour is entrance into the paid off mortgage club. Joining this reference group, that consists of people with no mortgage payment, is my current aspiration in life. These people are truly living life in my rather humble estimation. And so I, being of a rather diligent mind set, make my mortgage payment every month and try to pay an extra payment once a year. I have been advised that this will knock five to seven years off of my mortgage. I have zero doubt that if I gain membership into this club that I will feel I have attained the new American status symbol. This reference group gives me hope that I too can pay my mortgage off and finally really own my