Personal Narrative: Moving Into The Elder House

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2214 West Elder Avenue was the house we had moved into. It was a very small house and some of our stuff didn´t fit from our old house it also had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms but it was way smaller than what we were used to. Me and Carmen shared a room. Jason and Natalee shared. My mom and my dad had their own room. This was a temporary house we would only stay for about 4-5 months in we spent all the holidays there from Halloween-Easter. The house had a small frontyard and a enormos backyard. I had 3 pets at the time. Milo, he was a black and white cocker spaniel mix with white and black hair he always remained happy and playful. Zues, he was a yorkie terrier mix that was so so energetic he was a firework every time of the day. Tiger, he was a cat with …show more content…

We were all together but something didn´t feel right. Most of us were on our phones and we weren´t really paying attention. Both of my sisters had left to their boyfriend´s house to celebrate. It all felt lonely as if the house was just so empty. There was the good times were we had fun and had parties. The day we moved it was horrible. Moving into the Elder house was different then we ever imagine. We wanted to move as quick as possible. My mom and dad were always debating on houses. The house made me want to go back to Saint Gerturde. The house had been bought and we had to move quickly. My dad left to Mexico during the summer we were bored our a minds. All we had to do is stay home and sometimes go somewhere. We were never finacally bad it´s just that my mom and dad wanted to find the perfect house for us. Where we didn´t have to move anymore. Summer 2016 was the worst. I was at my lowest point. During October though I went to Knotts Scary Farm went some my friends at the time. We went four times that year. It was the best we were scared at first but then we had figured out a plan to not be scared. October was probably the best. We found a new